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ASBE Board

Board Members
as of May 2024

Rev. Dr. Melody Maxwell has served as Associate Professor of Christian History at Acadia Divinity College since 2018. Alongside other courses in Christian history and Baptist studies, her favourite course to teach is Women in the Christian Tradition.  Melody’s research interests include Baptist history, women in ministry, missions history, and global Baptists. She is the author of numerous articles and books. Melody lives in Wolfville, Nova Scotia, and attends Wolfville Baptist Church.


Rev. Dr. Harry Gardner, recently appointed as National Convenor for Canadian Baptist Partners, also serves as President Emeritus at Acadia Divinity College.  Harry has a rich history of leadership as a pastor, Executive Minister of the Canadian Baptists of Atlantic Canada, and Vice President of the Baptist World Alliance.  Hobbies include four-wheeling, camping and listening to music. Harry lives in Kentville, Nova Scotia, and attends Kentville Baptist Church.


Rev. Dr. Spencer Boersma has served on the faculty at Acadia Divinity College as Associate Professor of Theology since 2018. Before coming to Acadia, Spencer was the pastor of the First Baptist Church of Sudbury, Ontario. His past ministry also includes church planting, coordinating a soup-kitchen, and serving as a university chaplaincy. Spencer lives in Kentville and attends Billtown Baptist Church.


Rev. Kim Butler has served in a variety of pastoral roles at Atlantic Community Church, Apohaqui, New Brunswick, since 2012 and is currently serving as Associate Pastor. Prior to that, she served as Youth Director at Grace Fellowship Church in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia. Kim lives in Sussex, New Brunswick with her husband Ray and her four children.


Rev. Gordon Dickinson serves as Communications Manager for the Canadian Baptists of Atlantic Canada (CBAC). As a pastor, Gordon has served at Cornerstone Baptist Church, Stratford in PEI and in Apohaqui, New Brunswick. Gordon also owns a small business, Cloudfire Creative, founded in 2009, which has helped many churches, nonprofits, and ministries with creative communication expertise.


Kaitlyn Lightfoot is currently finishing up her Master of Arts in Theology at Acadia Divinity College. She previously completed an undergraduate degree in music at the Acadia University School of Music. Her research interests are the Franciscan intellectual and spiritual tradition, Judaism, and Thomas Merton. She has also served in a variety of ministry capacities related to liturgical music, families, and youth. In her spare time, she enjoys crafts, music-making, and kayaking.


Marianne Bell has worked in education and as mayor of her municipality in recent decades.  She is an active community volunteer as Rotarian, choir director, non-profit board member. She serves as elder and music worship leader at her church. Marianne lives in Perth-Andover, New Brunswick, and attends Perth-Andover Baptist Church.


Dr. Elizabeth Millar is a storyteller for Vision Ministries Canada (a network of churches with a focus on church planting), a spiritual director, and has been a pastor’s wife and a Charlotte Mason educator for over 25 years. Her theological interests include practical theology, corporate and monastic prayer, sacred storytelling, women’s spiritual autobiographical writing, and mothering. She lives in Montague, Prince Edward Island.


Shawn C. Branch has served with the Anglican Diocese of Fredericton since 2018, currently as Director of Mission & Ministry. Before this, he was the national director of an evangelistic organization from 2011-2017. Shawn was commissioned and licensed as an evangelist within the Anglican Church in 2004 and is also a Certified Leadership Coach, under the name - Out on a Limb Coaching. Shawn lives in Fredericton, New Brunswick. 


Andrew Bennett


Leyi Jiang

Statement on "Men, Women and Biblical Equality"

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