Atlantic Society for Biblical Equality (ASBE) is a nonprofit organization of Christians who have come together with the following Mission, Vision, and Beliefs & Values.
We believe the Bible teaches the equality of women and men.
Our Mission
ASBE promotes the biblical message of full equality between women and men to advance the kingdom of God in Atlantic Canada.

Our Vision
ASBE envisions a future where all believers are free to fully exercise their gifts in the church and beyond, with the full support of their Christian communities.
Our Beliefs & Values
We believe in the Lordship of Jesus Christ;
Therefore we value loving and serving others, as Jesus did.
...we value the church, the bride of Christ, and working through the church.
We believe in the power of the cross alone to redeem all who place their faith in Christ for their forgiveness of sin and entrance to a new shared life.
Therefore we value that the kingdom is available to all people, through Christ.
...we value that there is equality of persons in the kingdom, we are all one in Christ.
We believe in the inspiration and authority of the Bible as the Word of God;
Therefore we value careful Biblical scholarship and interpretation that is historically informed and Christ-centred.
We believe all human beings are created in the image of God;
Therefore we value speech and acts that treat people as having intrinsic worth.
...we value creating safe spaces for active listening and respectful dialogue.
...we value and respect those who differ from us.
We believe the Holy Spirit gives gifts to men and women without distinction.
Therefore we value supporting and advocating for the full participation of men and women in the life, leadership, and mission of the church and beyond.
We believe God’s Kingdom includes justice and mercy for all
Therefore we value repentance wherever we have participated in injustice.
...we value opposing injustice and oppression in all forms.
Become a Member or Partner
Memberships can be individual or household
Partnerships are with churches or organizations